Criminal Law Solicitors Dublin, Galway & Mayo
O'Sullivan Kenny LLP are expert criminal law solicitors in Dublin, Galway & Mayo for criminal defence in Ireland with extensive experience in representing clients facing a wide range of charges.
At O'Sullivan Kenny LLP, our criminal defence solicitors have extensive experience in representing clients facing every type of criminal allegation, from minor public order offences to serious indictable charges before the Central Criminal Court. As leading criminal solicitors in Ireland, we provide clear advice, robust defence strategies, and tireless advocacy for our clients.
The life of a criminal law case begins with an allegation, made either by a member of An Garda Síochána or a member of the public. Depending on the nature of the allegation, prosecution may follow via a summons—common for minor charges such as road traffic matters—or via arrest and charge for more serious offences.
While minor offences may be dealt with swiftly in the District Court, serious charges that go before the Circuit Court, Special Criminal Court or Central Criminal Court may take a year or longer to conclude. Throughout this process, the support of experienced criminal law solicitors can be critical.
Even a minor conviction can impact your future. It may restrict your right to work, limit your travel, and in more serious cases, risk your liberty. If you believe you are under investigation or suspect a prosecution may be forthcoming, it is essential to seek advice from expert criminal defence solicitors as early as possible. Early engagement with a criminal solicitor can influence the outcome—and in some cases, even prevent charges from being brought.
We represent individuals charged with all types of criminal offences. Below are some of the more commonly prosecuted categories.
Drug Possession Charges
Drug-related prosecutions are governed by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977 (as amended). Our criminal solicitors frequently represent clients with drug possession charges or possession with intent to sell or supply. These cases may arise from routine stop and search incidents or more involved Garda investigations involving search warrants.
A Garda may carry out a search if they hold reasonable suspicion that a drug offence has occurred. Failure to comply with a lawful search request is a criminal offence in itself.
Any seized substances are sent for analysis by the Forensic Science Laboratory to confirm if they are controlled drugs. Only if the analysis confirms a banned substance will a prosecution proceed.
Depending on the drug's classification, quantity and the defendant’s record, the case may be heard in the District Court or proceed to the Circuit Court on indictment.
There are opportunities to avoid conviction for first-time simple possession charges in the District Court, but early legal representation is essential. A criminal conviction, particularly for drug offences, may jeopardise your career and your ability to travel—particularly to countries like the United States.

Sexual Offences
Allegations of a sexual nature, even before any formal charge, can cause irreparable harm to an individual’s reputation. Cases can range from sexual assault—some of which may be heard in the District Court—to rape or aggravated sexual offences, which are only triable in the Central Criminal Court.
In many sexual offence cases, Garda interviews play a pivotal role. Early legal advice is not just recommended—it is essential. It ensures that your rights are protected and that any statements made are handled appropriately.
These cases are often highly technical, involving forensic and medical evidence, and frequently come down to the credibility of the complainant versus the accused. Our criminal solicitors are experienced in navigating these sensitive and complex matters.
If you believe you may be accused of a sexual offence, or if an allegation has been made against you, do not wait—contact our criminal law solicitors immediately.
Theft & Fraud Offences
Theft and fraud cases are covered under the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act 2001. These cases range from petty theft to major financial crime and corporate fraud.
Criminal defence solicitors must be familiar with both the procedural and evidential requirements involved in prosecuting these cases. Cases may proceed in either the District or Circuit Court, depending on the DPP’s direction. If the District Court Judge considers the offence to be minor, and the DPP agrees, the matter can be tried summarily—but only with the accused’s consent.
In certain cases, clients may benefit from having their matter tried in the Circuit Court. Legal advice is key in weighing these strategic decisions. Whether you're accused of shoplifting or large-scale embezzlement, our criminal law solicitors will advise on the best course of action and provide expert representation.
Public Order Offences
Public order offences are some of the most frequently prosecuted crimes in Ireland, second only to road traffic matters. Governed by the Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994, these cases are typically handled in the District Court.
Common charges include intoxication in a public place ('drunk and disorderly'), threatening behaviour ('breach of the peace'), and failure to comply with a Garda direction.
While these offences may seem minor, they still carry financial penalties and potential imprisonment:
Drunk & Disorderly: Fine up to €500
Breach of the Peace: Fine up to €1,000 and up to 3 months imprisonment
Failing to Comply: Fine up to €1,000 and up to 6 months imprisonment
Each offence requires specific legal elements to be proven beyond reasonable doubt. Our criminal defence solicitors will ensure your case is rigorously examined and defended.
Murder & Manslaughter
The most serious of all criminal offences, murder charges are always tried in the Central or Special Criminal Court. A conviction for murder carries a mandatory life sentence, regardless of whether a guilty plea is entered. Manslaughter convictions may also attract life sentences, but this is at the discretion of the court.
A murder charge requires proof that the accused killed someone unlawfully and with intent to kill or cause serious harm. Interestingly, the prosecution does not have to prove the intent was directed at the specific individual who died.
Because of the gravity and complexity of such trials, these matters involve substantial evidence, lengthy witness lists, and often delayed court dates, sometimes over a year after charge. Having an experienced team of criminal solicitors you trust is paramount.
In some cases, the DPP may accept a plea to manslaughter where murder was originally charged. Our criminal defence solicitors are experienced in negotiating with the DPP and guiding clients through the most serious cases.
Assault Offences
Assault cases range from common assault (Section 2) to assault causing harm (Section 3) and serious injury (Section 4) under the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997. Section 2 charges are summary and heard in the District Court. Section 3 may be heard summarily or on indictment, while Section 4 is triable only on indictment.
The DPP and the District Judge will determine the jurisdiction, and the accused has no right to elect which court hears the case.
One of the most frequently used defences in assault charges is self-defence. For this to succeed, the level of force used must be proportionate to the threat faced. What constitutes 'reasonable force' depends on the specific facts of each case.
If you are under investigation or facing assault charges, our criminal defence solicitors will assess your case and advise on the best approach.